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Return to Resonance

Resonance – when our frequency aligns with the natural vibration of the Universe

Return to Resonance

A Return to Resonance is an invitation of reclamation, introspection and self-discovery through the profound practice of conscious connected breathwork and transformational sound healing.


With the breath as your guide, you will journey through a powerful sound scape of healing frequencies, uniquely curated to awaken, realign and support your nervous system.


The sound will be received through a combination of carefully orchestrated music, primordial shamanic drums, planetary gongs and the ethereal frequencies of singing bowls.


Throughout this deeply embodied experience the innate wisdom of the breath will guide you to explore your own unique resonance, facilitating inner connection, unburdening the body of trapped, stagnant energy and aid the release of suppressed emotions.


This alchemical journey has been created by Hilary and Kerry with the intention of supporting your return to wholeness and nervous system regulation, liberating you from the stories of the past and creating expansion to embrace life with more ease, balance and joy.


Conscious connected breathwork is an embodied practice which gifts us a gateway to feel and move through challenges by connecting to our felt sense, intuition and higher self. By bringing presence to the breath, we can learn to regulate the nervous system, re-frame the difficult stories and create space to live in the present moment.


Sound healing is an ancient art and believed to be one of the earliest forms of medicine. It is a low risk, non-invasive modality that works holistically on all levels of our being; mind body and spirit. Through frequencies and vibrations, the sound can influence the body’s physiological processes and support bringing the nervous system into a more balanced state.


This class is suitable for all levels, at the beginning of every session the technique will be introduced and an outline of what you may experience will be given. Upon booking you will receive a waiver which outlines any contra-indications. (5).png

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Return to Resonance

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